Intuitive Healer & Energy Coach
Past Life Assimilation
Ever feel like you keep repeating the same patterns despite your efforts to break them or have a fear or strong dislike of something that seems completely irrational? Did you know that your body holds cellular memories from previous lifetimes that retains all of this information and can be relieved with Past Life Assimilation.
What is a P.L.A?
Past life assimilation is a guided energy healing in which the practitoner holds the acension point on the back of your head to energetically allow you to revisit the past life that has created the blockage in present time. During the session we will continue to speak to each other as I guide you to the trauma of that lifetime in order to release and resolve it. It is different to hypnosis because you are accessing the past life memory. It is the difference between watching a movie and being part of the play. When you do this you can 'own' the event and change your feelings towards it. With the past life trauma alleviated from the past life, future patterns that were created by that trauma will disappear.
Can I choose which life I go to?
In short, no. You will automaticaly go to the life that is creating the biggest block in your life currently. Youe energy field's higher intelligence will take you there automatically. Some past lives may not be human, they may be from a different species, frequency or dimension.
Is P.L.A and Past life regression the same?
No. Past life assimilation is not a tool to take a trip down memory lane. It is a very powerful energy healing technique that allows you to consciously go to the past to heal the issue in both that life and your current one and integrates that healing instantly.
How many times can I do a P.L.A?
We have all had numerous past lives. A past life assimilation can be done more than once. You may find that you visit different past lives on different occasions depending on the blockage. You can do it as frequently as you would like. Generally people get the feeling that it's time for a P.L.A. or are drawn to it as their higher consciousness knows that it is the past life experience that has created the blockage in current time.