Intuitive Healer & Energy Coach
BARS Access consciousness
Relax your body. Soothe your mind.
Regain your vitality and reboot whole system.
Did you know that there are 32 points on your head called BARS that hold and store and hold all of the thoughts,ideas,attitudes,decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.

BARS ( Access consciousness)
lax your body. Soothe your mind.
Regain your vitality and reboot whole system.
Did you know that there are 32 points on your head called BARS that hold and store and hold all of the thoughts,ideas,attitudes,decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.
When the BARS are touched gently they release an electromagnetic charge that holds all of the energy that create blocks and limitations which have been created by all the thoughts, considerations, ideas, beliefs, decisions, emotions and attitudes that you have ever had about anything. When you have your BARS run, these barriers are released, leaving you feel refreshed, relaxed and energised again as if anything is possible!